Giving to others is the essence of a sufficiency mentality
You can give regardless of your financial situation and those who give to others seem to be financially successful. Notice that the phrase is not: "Financially successful people give.”

Watch our workshop on giving
A sufficiency mindset will inspire you to give regardless of your income, whereas a scarcity mindset leads you to think you need to earn more before giving is possible. Consider the words of famous philanthropist Jon Huntsman:
“My wife and I have been giving to charity ever since we got married. After I graduated from college, I was a gunnery officer in the Navy, making $320 each month. Out of that salary, I would tithe $32 and give another $50 to the Navy Relief Fund. As our income grew, so did our philanthropic giving. For almost 40 years now, we have been giving away large sums of money.”
Download, print, and complete the Charitable Giving Plan worksheet. Your Giving Plan might include donations to religious and other worthwhile organizations.
When finished, download and print the Core Principles Task Checklist and check off "Give to others."